Learn basic Nepali language before you travel in Nepal

English ----------------------------------------- Nepali Phrases

How to Greet? Greeting:

Hi! ------------------------------------------Namaste
Good morning!---------------------------Suva Prabhat
Good afternoon!-------------------------Suva din
Good evening!---------------------------Suva Sandhya
Welcome!---------------------------------Swagat Cha
Hello my friend!------------------------Namaste mero sathi
How are you? (friendly)--------------Tapailai Kasto Cha?
How are you? (polite)----------------Hajur Kasto Hunu Huncha?
I'm fine, thank you!------------------Malai Sanchai cha, dhanyabad
And you? (friendly)-----------------Ani Tapailai?
And you? (polite)-------------------Ani Hajurlai?
Not so good----------------------Tati ramro chaina
Long time no see---------------Dharai vayo Bhet navayako
I missed you--------------------Maile Tapailai samje
What's new?---------------------K cha Khabar?
Nothing new---------------------Naya kahai chaina
Thank you (very much)!--------Dharai Dhanyabad
You're welcome! (for "thank you")----------Tapai Lai Swagat Cha
My pleasure---------------------------------------Huss
Come in! (or: enter!)-------------------------Vitra aunu Huss
Make yourself at home!---------------------Ghar Jastai Thannu Hola

Farewell Expressions

Have a nice day!--------------Tapaik Ko Din Suva Rahosh
Good night!-------------------Suva Ratri
See you later! ----------------Suva Ratri ani mitho sapna dekhu hola!
See you soon! ----------------Chadai vetaula
See you tomorrow! ---------Voli Vetaula
Good bye!---------------------Bidha Pau
Have a good trip!------------Suva Yatra!
I have to go-------------------Maro Janu Cha
I will be right back! Ma turuntai farkanchu

Holidays and Wishes

Good luck!------------------Suva Laav
Happy birthday!-----------Janma Diwash Ko suvakamana cha!
Happy new year!---------Naya Barsha ko suvakamana cha!
Merry Christmas!--------Suva Yasu Jayanti
Enjoy!----------------------- Masti garna!
Bless yo-------------------- Suva Ashirbad
Best wishes!----------------Suvakamana
Cheers! ---------------------Harsha lash

How to Introduce Yourself

What's your name?--------------------Tapai ko Nam K ho?
My name is Bhakti --------------------Maro Nam Bhakti ho
Nice to meet you!----------------------Tapai lai vetera khusi lagyo
Where are you from?-----------------Tapai Kaha Bata hunu huncha?
I'm from (the U.S/ Nepal)-------------Ma USA Bata ho
I'm (American/ Nepali)----------------Ma american nepali hu
Where do you live?---------------------Tapai kaha basnu huncha?
I live in (the U.S/ Nepal)---------------Ma US /Nepal ma baschu
Do you like it here?--------------------K tapailai yaha maan parcha?
Nepal is a beautiful country----------Nepal ati sundar desh ho
What do you do for a living?--------Tapai bachna ko lagi k garnu huncha?
I'm a (teacher/ student/ engineer)--------------Ma sikchyak/bidyarthi/engineer hu
Do you speak (English/ Nepali)?-----------------K tapai Nepali bolnu Huncha?
Just a little--------------------------------------------Thorai matra
I like Nepali-------------------------------------------Malai Nepali Maan Parcha
I'm trying to learn Nepali-------------------------Ma Nepali sikhay prayash gardai chu
It's a hard language--------------------------------Yo auta ek dam kathin vasha ho
It's an easy language-------------------------------Yo auta saral vasha ho
Oh! That's good!------------------------------------Ho, yo dharai ramro ho!
Can I practice with you?---------------------------K ma tapai sanga sikna sakchu?
I will try my best to learn-------------------------Ma maro xyamata lay vya samma prayash garnay koshis garchu
How old are you?-----------------------------------Tapai ko umar kati ho?
I'm (twenty one, thirty two) years old---------Ma ekaish, baish barsha ko hu.
It was nice talking to you!------------------------Tapaisanga guff garera khusi lagyo
It was nice meeting you!-------------------------Tapai sanga vetera khusi lagyo
Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss... -------------------------Shriman../Shrimati…./su Shri
This is my wife--------------------------------------Yini mari shrimati hun
This is my husband--------------------------------uhawa mara pati hunuhuncha
Say hi to Thomas for me-------------------------Tomas lai maile samjeko cha vandinu hola

Romance and Love Phrases

Are you free tomorrow evening?-----------------------K tapai voli beluka fursad hunu huncha?
I would like to invite you to dinner---------------------Ma tapailai ratri vooj ma nimantrana gardachu
You look beautiful! (to a woman)-----------------------Tapai ati sundar dekhuinu huncha
You have a beautiful name-------------------------------Tapaiko nam ati sundar cha
Can you tell me more about you?-----------------------K tapai afnu bare ma kahai vanna saknu huncha?
Are you married?--------------------------------------------K tapai biwahit hunu huncha?
I'm single------------------------------------------------------Ma abiwahit hun
I'm married---------------------------------------------------Ma Biwahuit hun
Can I have your phone number? ------------------------k tapai malai anfo samparka number dina saknu huncha?
Can I have your email?-------------------------------------K tapai malai afnu email dina saknu huncha?
Do you have any pictures of you?-----------------------K tapaika kunai tashir chan?
Do you have children?-------------------------------------K tapapaika bal bachha chan?
Would you like to go for a walk?------------------------K tapai hidna chanu huncha?
I like you------------------------------------------------------Tapai malai ramro lagyo
I love you-----------------------------------------------------Ma tapailai maya garchu
You're very special!----------------------------------------Tapai maro bisistha byakti hunu huncha
You're very kind!--------------------------------------------Tapai sarai dayalu hunu huncha
I'm very happy-----------------------------------------------Ma sarahai nai khushi chu
Would you marry me?-------------------------------------K tapai ma sanga biwaha garnu huncha?
I'm just kidding----------------------------------------------Maile tatikai rela garako hu
I'm serious---------------------------------------------------Ma gambhir chu
My heart speaks the language of love-----------------maro hridaya lay prem ko bhasha boldai cha

Solving a Misunderstanding

Sorry! (or: I beg your pardon!--------------------------------Ma Xyama prarthi chu
Sorry (for a mistake)-------------------------------------------Galti ko lagi maaf pau
No problem!-----------------------------------------------------Thikai cha( samashaya chhina )
Can you repeat please?---------------------------------------K tapai fari vanna saknu huncha?
Can you speak slowly?-----------------------------------------K tapai alik bistaro bolna saknu huncha?
Can you write it down?----------------------------------------K tapai yaslai lekhna sakhu huncha?
Did you understand what I said? ----------------------------K tapailay maile vaneko bujhnu vayo?
I don't understand!---------------------------------------------Maile Bujena
I don't know!-----------------------------------------------------Ma jandina
What's that called in Nepali?--------------------------------Tashlai Nepali ma k vanincha?
What does that word mean in English?-------------------Tyo sabda lai angragi ma k vancha?
How do you say "thanks" in Nepali?-----------------------Nepali ma dhanyabad kasari vannu huncha?
What is this?---------------------------------Yo k ho?
My Nepali is bad----------------------------Maro Nepali asudha cha
Don't worry!---------------------------------Chinta nagarnu huss
I agree with you-----------------------------Ma tapai sanga sahamat chu
Is that right?---------------------------------k tyo sahi ho?
Is that wrong?------------------------------K tyo bathik ho?
What should I say?------------------------Ma k vannu?
I just need to practice--------------------Ma kewal prayash garna chanchu
Your Nepali is good------------------------Tapaiko Nepali ramro cha
I have an accent----------------------------Maro bachaan alag cha
You don't have an accent----------------Maro bachan tapaiko jastai cha

Asking for Directions

Excuse me! (before asking someone)------------------------Xyama pau
I'm lost--------------------------------------------------------------Ma haraye
Can you help me?------------------------------------------------K tapai malai sahayog garnu huncha?
Can I help you?---------------------------------------------------K ma tapailai sahayog garna sakchu?
I'm not from here------------------------------------------------Ma yaha bata haina
How can I get to (this place, this city)?---------------------Ma tyo thau/sahar ma kasari pugna sakchu?
Go straight--------------------------------------------------------Sidhau janu hosh
Then-------------------------------tya dekhi
Turn left--------------------------aya modnu huss
Turn right------------------------ani baya modnu huss
Can you show me?-------------K tapai malai dekhauna saknu huncha?
I can show you!-----------------Ma tpailai dekhauna sakchu!
Come with me!-----------------Ma sanga aunu huss!
How long does it take to get there?--------------Tyaha pugha kati lagla?
Downtown (city center) ----------------------------Bajar
Historic center (old city)-----------------------------Aithi Hasik sthal
It's near here-------------------------------------------tyo yaha nagikai cha
It's far from here--------------------------------------tyo yaha dekhi tada cha
Is it within walking distance?-----------------------Kma tya hidna sakchu?
I'm looking for Mr. Smith---------------------------Ma Mr. Smith lai khojdai chu
One moment please!--------------------------------Kripaya ek xyar
Hold on please! (when on the phone)-----------Parkhanu hola
He is not here-----------------------------------------Uha yaha hunu hunna

Airport----------------------Biman Sthal
Bus station-----------------Bus station
Train station---------------Rail station

Emergency Survival Phrases

Run!-------------Bhagnu hosh!
Watch out! (or: be alert!)-----------------------Sawadhan!
Call the police!-------------------------------------Prahari lai bolaunu huss!
Call a doctor!--------------------------------------Doctor lai bolaunu huss!
Call the ambulance!-----------------------------Ambulence bolaunu huss!
Are you okay?------------------------------------K tapai thikai hunu huncha?
I feel sick-------------------------------------------Malai sancho chaina jasto lagcha
I need a doctor-----------------------------------Malai doctor chayio
Accident-------------------------------------------Dur Ghatna
Food poisoning----------------------------------Khadya Bis
Where is the closest pharmacy?-------------yaha ko nagikai ko pharmacy kaha cha?
It hurts here---------------------------------------Taslai mero chitta dukhaucha
It's urgent!-----------------------------------------tyo jarur cha
Calm down!---------------------------------------Santa hunu huss!
You will be okay!---------------------------------tapai thik hunu huncha
Can you help me?-------------------------------K tapai malai sahayog garna saknu huncha?
Can I help you? ----------------------------------K ma tapailai sahayog garna saknu huncha?

Hotel Restaurant Travel Phrases

I have a reservation (for a room)-----------------------Maro kotha surakchit cha
Do you have rooms available?--------------------------K tapai sanga kunau kotha upalabda cha?
With shower / With bathroom-------------------------nuhaunay kotha
I would like a non-smoking room----------------------Malai dhumrapaan rahit kotha maan parcha
What is the charge per night?--------------------------Prati raat ko sulka kati hola?
I'm here on business /on vacation--------------------Ma yaha byapar ko silsila ma chu
Do you accept credit cards?---------------------------K tapai credit card linu huncha?
I'd like to rent a car--------------------------------------Ma car vadama lina chanchu
How much will it cost?---------------------------------Taslai kato parcha?
A table for (one / two) please!-----------------------Kripaya auta taple !
Is this seat taken?---------------------------------------K yo thau kasaiko ho?
I'm vegetarian-----------------------Ma sahakari hu
I don't eat pork----------------------Ma sugur ko mashu khadina
I don't drink alcohol----------------Ma raksi khadina
What's the name of this dish?----yo khana ko nam k ho?
Waiter / waitress!-------------------Bhanse
Can we have the check please?-------------k hamilai check upalabda cha hola?
It is very delicious!-----------------------------Yo ati misthanna cha
I don't like it--------------------------------------Malai tyo maan parena

Shopping Expressions

How much is this?-------------------Yaslai kati parcha?
I'm just looking---------------------- Ma tatikai hardai chu
I don't have change----------------Ma sanga khudra chaina
This is too expensive---------------Yo ati mahanco cha

Daily Expressions

What time is it? --------------------Aile kati samaya vayo?
It's 3 o'clock-------------------------Aile 3 baje vayo
Give me this!------------------------Yo malai dinu hosh!
Are you sure?-----------------------K tapai nischit hunu huncha?
Take this! (when giving something)--------------------yo linu huss
It's freezing (weather)------------Saharai chiso cha
It's cold (weather)------------------Saro jado cha
It's hot (weather)-------------------saro garam cha
Do you like it?-----------------------K tapailai maan paryo?
I really like it!------------------------Malai sarahai maan parcha
I'm hungry---------------------------Malai bhok laggyao
I'm thirsty----------------------------Ma tirkako chu
He is funny---------------------------yo hasyaspad cha
In The Morning--------------------- bihanai
In the evening-----------------------baluka
At Night-------------------------------rati
Hurry up!-----------------------------Chitto garnu huss!

Cuss Words (polite)

This is nonsense! (or: this is craziness)-------------------yo saan bakwash ho
My God! (to show amazement) --------------------------Hey Prabhu
Oh gosh! (when making a mistake)-----------------------hey ishwar
It sucks! (or: this is not good) -------------------------Anista vo
What's wrong with you?------------------------------------Tapailai k vayako cha?
Are you crazy? -----------------------------------------------K tapai thikai hunu huncha?
Get lost! (or: go away!) ------------------------------------Yaha bata haat!
Leave me alone!----------------------------------------------Malai eklai chodnu huss
I'm not interested! -----------------------------------Malai kunai chasho chaina

Writing a Letter

Dear John-------------------------Pryia John
My trip was very nice----------Maro yatra ramro vayo
The culture and people were very interesting----------------------tyaha ko sanskrati ra manche atyantai rochak rayachan
I had a good time with you----------------------------------------------Maro timi sanga ramro samaya vayo
I would love to visit your country again ----------------------------Ma fari pani tapaiko desh ko bhraman garna maan parauchu
Don't forget to write me back from time to time ------------------Malai samaya samaya ma pratrachar garna navulnu hola

Short Expressions and words

So-so (or: not bad not good)--------------Tastai ho
Me (ie. Who did this? - Me)------maile
Them------------uha haru/tini haru
Really? ---------Haina hol/Hora?
Look!------------Harhu huss!
Where? ---------Kaha?
1 ------------------------ek (A-kh)
2 ------------------------dui (Du-ee)
3 ------------------------tien (Tee-n)
4 ------------------------char (Cha-r)
5 ------------------------panch (Pa-n-ch)
6 ------------------------chha (Cha)
7 ------------------------saat (Sa-at)
8 ------------------------aath (Aa-th)
9 ------------------------nau (Na-u)
10 ----------------------das (Daa-ss)
11 ----------------------eghara (A-ghaa-ra)
12 ----------------------bara (Bha-ra)
13 ----------------------teera (Th-e-ra)
14 ----------------------chauda (Chau-da)
15 ----------------------pandhra (Pan-dra)
16 ----------------------sorha (So-rha)
17 ----------------------satra (Sat-ra)
18 ----------------------athara (Aa-tha-ra)
19 ----------------------unais (Un-nai-s)
20 ----------------------bis (Bis)
30 ----------------------teece (Tee-sh)
40 ----------------------chaleece (Cha-lee-sh)
50 ----------------------pachaase (Pa-cha-sh)
60 ----------------------sathi (Sat-ti)
70 ----------------------sattari (Sa-tha-ri)
80 ----------------------assi (aa-si)
90 ----------------------nabbe (nab-be)
100 --------------------ek saye (A-kh sai-ya)
200 --------------------dwi saye (Du-ee sai-ya)
300 --------------------tin saye (Tee-n sai-ya)
1000 ------------------ek hazar (A-kh Ha-zar)
2000 ------------------dwi hazar (Du-ee Ha-zar)
100,000 --------------ek lakh (A-kh la-kh)
1,000,000-----------dus lakh (Daa-ss la-kh)
half --------------------------aadha (aa-dha)
less --------------------------kaam (cum)
more ------------------------dherai (dhe-raii)

now ----------------------------ahile (aa-hee-le)
later ---------------------------pachi (paa-chi)
before ------------------------agadi (aa-gha-dee)
morning ----------------------bihana (bee-haa-na)
afternoon --------------------diuso (di-u-sho)
evening -----------------------beluka (be-lu-kha)
night --------------------------rati (raa-ti)

Clock time

one o'clock AM ----------------------bihana ko ek baje
two o'clock AM ----------------------bihana ko dui baje
noon -----------------------------------madhyanha
one o'clock PM ---------------------diuso ko ek baje
two o'clock PM ---------------------diuso ko dui baje
midnight ----------------------------madhyaraat


_____ minute(s) -------------------_____ minute(s)
_____ hour(s) ----------------------_____ ghanta(haru) (gh-n-ta)
_____ day(s) -----------------------_____ din(haru) (dee-n)
_____ week(s) ---------------------_____ haptaa(haru) (hap-ta)
_____ month(s) ------------------_____ mahina(haru) (maa-hee-na)
_____ year(s) --------------------_____ barsa(haru) (ba-r-sha)


today ---------------------------------aaja (aa-ja)
yesterday ---------------------------hijo (hee-jo)
day before yesterday -------------aasti
tomorrow --------------------------bholi (bho-lee)
day after tomorrow -------------parsi
this week --------------------------yo hapta(yo hap-ta)
last week --------------------------asti ko hapta(as-ti ko hap-ta)
next week -------------------------arko hapta(ar-ko hap-ta)
Sunday ----------------------------aaitabaar (ai-ta-bar)
Monday ---------------------------sombaar (som-bar)
Tuesday ---------------------------mangalbaar (man-girl-bar)
Wednesday ----------------------budhabaar (bu-dho-bar)
Thursday --------------------------bihibaar (bee-hee-bar)
Friday -----------------------------shukrabaar (shuk-ro-bar)
Saturday --------------------------shanibaar (sa-ni-bar)


The Nepali Calendar, called Bikram Sambat or B.S., is a lunar calendar based on ancient Hindu tradition. It is roughly 57 years ahead of the Gregorian calendar (the year 2000 AD was equivalent to the years 2056-2057 BS). The beginning of the year usually falls on the 13th or 14th of April. Therefore, the months are not compatible with the Gregorian calendar.
April ------------------Baisakh
May ------------------Jestha
June ------------------Asadh
July -------------------Shrawan
August ---------------Bhadra
September ----------Ashoj
October -------------Kartik
November ----------Mangshir
December ----------Poush
January -------------Magh
February ------------Falgun
March ---------------Chaitra

Indicated by using the polite form

Thank you. --------------------------------Dhanyabaad (DHAN-naii-bat)
Yes. -----------------------------------------Hajur. (HA-jur) or Ho. (HO)
No. ------------------------------------------Chaina. (Chai-NA) or Haina. (Hai-Na)
Excuse me. --------------------------------Maaf garnus. (MA-af-GAR-nus)
I'm sorry. -----------------------------------Malai maaf garnus
Bye Bye--------------------------------------Ta-ta
I only speak a little Nepali---------------Ma ali-ali Nepali bolchu . (Ma all-ee all-ee nee-pa-li bowl-chu )
Do you speak English? -------------------Tapaai Angreji bolnuhunchha? (Ta-Pai- Ang-gri-jee bolnu-hun-cha?)
Is there someone here who speaks English? ----------Koi English bolne cha? (Ko-i English bol-ne-cha?)


Leave me alone. ----------------Malaai eklai chodnus. (Ma-laai ek-laai chod-nus)
Don't touch me!-----------------Malaai na chunus! (Ma-laai na chu-nus)
I'll call the police. ---------------Ma police bolau chu. (Ma police bo-lau-n chu)
Police! -----------------------------Police! (police)
Stop! Thief! ----------------------Parkha! Chor! (Pak-ra! cho-r!)
I need your help. ---------------Malaai sahayog chaiyo. (Ma-laai sa-ha-yog chai-yo)
It's an emergency. -------------Aapat paryo. (Aa-pat par-yo)
I'm lost. ---------------------------Ma haraye. (Ma ha-ra-ye)
I lost my bag. -------------------Mero jhola harayo. (Me-ro jho-la ha-ra-yo)
I lost my wallet. ----------------Mero wallet harayo. (Me-ro wallet ha-ra-yo)
I'm sick. --------------------------Malaai sancho chaina. (Muh-lay sann-cho cha-ee-nah)
I've been injured. --------------Malaai chot lagyo. (Ma-laai cho-t lag-yo)
I need a doctor. ----------------Malaai doctor chaiyo. (Ma-laai doctor chai-yo)
Can I use your phone? --------K ma hajur ko Phone prayog garna sakchu? (K ma ha-jur ko phone pra-yog gar-na sak-chu?)


black -----------kalo
white ----------seto
gray ------------kharani
red -------------raato
blue ------------nilo
yellow ----------pahelo
green -----------hariyo
orange ---------suntala rang
purple ----------baijani
brown ----------khairo
pink ------------gulabi
How much is a ticket to _____? ------------------------Ticket ko kati paisa ho _____?
One ticket to _____, please. ----------------------------Euta ticket dinu hos _____?
Where does this train/bus go? -------------------------Yo gadi kahan janchha?
Where is the train/bus to _____? --------------------Gaadi kahan pauchha _____?
Does this train/bus stop in _____? -------------------Yo gadi _____ ma rokchha?
When does the train/bus for _____ leave? --------Gadi kun bela janchha _____?
When will this train/bus arrive in _____? ----------Kun bela ma puginchha _____?
What time does the last bus leave? -----------------Last bust kun bela janchha?


How do I get to _____ ? --------------------_____ kasari jhaane?
Can you show me on the map? ------------malaai naksamaa dekhunus?
street --------------------------------------------baato
Turn left. ----------------------------------------baayaa jaanus. (ba-ya, jaa-noos)
Turn right. --------------------------------------daya jaanus.
left ------------------------------------------------left (baayaa) (bye yaa)
right ----------------------------------------------right (dayaa)(die yaa)
straight ahead ---------------------------------sidha (See-DAH)
towards the _____ --------------------------_____ tira (tei-raw..)
past the _____ -------------------------------_____ pachhi (paw-chie)
before the _____ ----------------------------_____ aghaaDi (o-gaa-Di)
Watch for the _____-------------------------_____lai hernus. (lie-hey r-noos)
north ------------------uttar (u-tta-rr)
south ------------------dakshin (duck- shin)
east --------------------purba (pu-r-ba)
west -------------------paschim (pos-chim)
uphill ------------------ukaalo (oo-kaa-low)
downhill --------------ohralo (o-raa-low)


Taxi! ---------Taxi!
Take me to _____, please. -------------------------------------kripaya,malaai________ laanus. (kri-paw-yaa, ma-lie- laa-noos)
How much does it cost to get to _____? -------------------____ maa jaana kaati parchha? ( maa-jaa-na ka-ti, par-chaa)
Take me there, please. ----------------------------------------kripaya, malaai tyahaa laanus. (kri-payaa, ma-lie tya-haa, laa-noos)


Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? ----------America/Australia/Canada ko paisaa chalchha?
Do you accept British pounds? -----------------------------------------Belaayatko paisaa chalchha?
Do you accept credit cards? ---------------------------------------------Credit card chalchha?
Can you change money for me? ---------------------------------------Malaai khoodraa dinu hunchha ki?
Where can I get money changed? -------------------------------------Paisa kahaa saatinchha?
Can you change a traveler's check for me? --------------------------travel check linuhucnhha?
Where can I get a traveler's check changed? -----------------------tralvel check kahaa saatichha?
What is the exchange rate? --------------------------------------------saTahi dar ke chha?
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)? --------------------(ATM)maysin kahaa chaa?
A table for one person/two people, please. ------------------------kripaya Tebul ek yaa dui janaako lagi.
Can I look at the menu, please? ---------------------------------------ma menu herna sakchhu?
Can I look in the kitchen? -----------------------------------------------ma keychen herna sakchhu?
Is there a house specialty? ----------------------------------------------gharmaa banaaieko kehi chha?
Is there a local specialty? ------------------------------------------------sthaaniya bisess kehi chha?
I'm a vegetarian. -----------------------------------------------------------Ma masu kandina. (Ma- ma-SU Kan-DIE-nah)
I don't eat pork. -----------------------------------------------------------ma bangoor khaadina.
I only eat kosher food. ---------------------------------------------------I only eat kosher food.
Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard) ------------yaslaai jalaaunus", please?
fixed-price meal -----------------------------------------------------------nischit darko khaanaa
I want _____. ------------------------------------------------------_____ chahanchhu.
I want a dish containing _____. ------------------------------_____bhaeko thaal chahanchhu.
chicken -----------------kukhuraa
beef ---------------------gaaiko masu
fish ----------------------maachhaa
ham ---------------------ham
cheese ------------------chij
eggs ---------------------anDaa
salad --------------------salad
(fresh) vegetables ----(taajaa) tarkaari
(fresh) fruit ------------(taajaa) phalphul
bread -------------------roTi(roti)
toast --------------------toast
noodles ----------------chau chau
rice ---------------------bhat (BHAT)
lentils -----------------daal (da-all)
coffee -------------coffee
tea (drink) --------chiya (CHEE-ah)
juice ----------------juice
water --------------pani (PAN-ee)
beer ----------------beer (BEER)
salt ----------------------nun (noon)
black pepper-----------marich
butter -------------------butter
May I have a glass of _____? ------------------------malaai ek gilaas _____ dinus?
May I have a cup of _____? -------------------------malaai ek cup _____ dinus?
May I have a bottle of _____? ----------------------malaai ek botal_____ dinus?
May I have some _____? ----------------------------malaai kehi _____ dinus?
I'm finished. --------------------------------------------Pugcha. (POOG-CHA)
It was delicious. ---------------------------------------Mito chaa
When is closing time?
kati khera bandha hunchha?


Do you have this in my size? -----mero size maa mil chha?
How much is this? ------------------yes ko kati parchha?
That's too expensive. -------------yo ekdam mahango bhayo.
Would you take _____? ----------_____ rupiya linus?
expensive ----------------mahango
cheap ---------------------sasto
I can't afford it. ---------ma kinna sakdina.
I don't want it. ----------malaai chahidaina.
I'm not interested. -----ma ichchhuk chhaina. (..)
OK, I'll take it. -----------OK, thik chha, ma yo linchhu.
Can I have a bag? -------malaai euTaa jhoolaa dinus?
I need... -------------------malaai chaahinchha...
toothpaste. --------------danta manjan.
a toothbrush. ------------daat majhne burus.
tampons. ------------------tampons.
soap. -----------------------sabun.
shampoo. -----------------shampoo.
pain reliever. --------------dukhaai haTaaune aushadhi. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
cold medicine. ------------chiso dawaai.
stomach medicine. -------peTko aushadi.
a razor. ---------------------a razor.
an umbrella. --------------chhataa.
sunblock lotion. ----------sunblock lotion.
a postcard. -----------------a postcard.
postage stamps. -----------hulaak Tikat.
batteries. --------------------batteries.
writing paper. --------------lekhne kaapi.
a pen. ------------------------kalam.
English-language books. -----------------angreji bhaasaako kitaab.
English-language magazines. -----------angreji bhaasaako patrikaa.
an English-language newspaper. -------angreji bhaasaako patrikaa.
an English-English dictionary. -----------angreji bhaasaako sabdkosh.


I haven't done anything wrong. -------------------Maile kehi galti gareko chaina.
It was a misunderstanding. ------------------------bujhaai maa kehi galti thiyo.
Where are you taking me? ------------------------tapaai malaai kahaa laadai hunuhunchha?
I am an American/Australian/British/chinese citizen. ----------ma American/Australian/British/Chinese naagarik hu.
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Chinese embassy/consulate. --------------ma American /Australian/ British/ Chinese dutaabaas/ baanijya dutaabaas sanga kura garna chahanchhu.
I want to talk to a lawyer. ---------------------ma wakil sanga kuraa garna chahanchhu.
Can I just pay a fine now? ---------------------ma jariwaanaa maatra tirchhu?
I -----------------------------Ma
He/She --------------------Uha (with respect)
He/She --------------------U/Uni (without respect)
You-------------------------Tapaain(with respect)/ Timi(without respect)
A/an ----------------------Auta
To Open------------------Kolna
To Sit----------------------Basnu
To Walk ----------=------Hidnu
To Eat--------------------Khannu
To drink-----------------Pivnu
To Win------------------Jeetana
To run------------------Dauda
I go ---------------------Ma jau
He goes ---------------U janchha
He eats an apple------------Usle syau khanchha
He is eating an apple-------Usle syau khai raheki chhin
He ate an apple -------------Usle syau khayo
I saw the film last week----Maile gata hapta chalchitra heren
She came by bus yesterday---------Uni hijo bus chadhera aayin
They went to the mosque-----------Tini haru mosque gayen
He slept the whole night-------------Uni raat bhari sutyo
He wrote well in the examination----Usle pariksha ramro lekhyo
He has eaten------------------------------Usle khayeko chha
He will go----------------------------------Uha jancha
He will come------------------------------Uha aoucha
What is your name? -------------------Timro/ Taapainko(with respect) naam ke ho?
Your -----------Timro(without respect)/ Tapaainko
What did you do?---------Timileyake ghareyaou?
What can I do?-------------Ma ke gharna sakchhu ta?
What are the questions?------Prasna haru ke chhan ta?
What were the questions?----Prasna haru kata gaye?
What is the last question?----Antim prasna ke ho?
What is written in the letter?----Chithhi ma ke lekheko chha?
What will be the answer?--------Uttar ke huncha?
Why did you come?----------------Timi kina ayako?
Why did you sleep?-----------------Timi kina suteko?
Why did she pay the money?-----Unle paisa kina tireko ?
Why did they sit there? ------------Tiniharu tyaha kina baseko ?
Why do you drive the car?--------Timile gadi kina chalayako?
Why are they late for the meeting?---------Tiniharu-le baithak ko lagi kina dhilo gareko?
How did you come?-----------------------------Timi kasari ayau?
How did you write?-----------------------------Timile kasto lekhyo?
How many apples are there in my hand?---Mero hath ma kati ota syau chha?
How many did you take?-----------------------Timile kati ota linchhau?
How much did he pay you?--------------------Usle timilai kati tiryo?
How much distance to go?--------------------Jana lai kati duri chha?
How was the journey yesterday?------------Hijo ko yatra kasto bhayo?
Which way did you come?--------------------Timi kun batoo auchhau?
Which is your favourite colour?--------------Timro man parne rang kun ho?
In which room did you sleep?-----------------Timi kun kotha ma sutna chahanchhau?
Which story did you tell?-----------------------Timi kun katha bhanna chahanchhau?
Which is the sweetest fruit?-------------------Sabai bhanda mitho falful kun ho?
Which is the best newspaper in Nepali? ---Nepali ma sabai bhanda ramro patrika kun ho?
Where did you come from?--------------------Timi kaha bata ayako?
Where did you sleep?---------------------------Timi kaha sutchhau?
Where should I go?------------------------------Ma kaha jau?
Whom should I contact?-----------------------Ma kaslai samparka garu?
Is it a book?----------------------------------------Yo auta kitab ho?
It is a book-----------------------------------------Yo kitab ho
Will you come with me?------------------------Ke timi ma sanga auchhau?
I shall come with you----------------------------Ma timi sanga auchhu
Yes, of course-------------------------------------Ho, bhaieehalcha ne
Do you love me?---------------------------------Ke timi malai maya garchau?
Yes, I love you------------------------------------Ho, ma timilai maya garchu
Can you give me your pen?-------------------Ke timi malai timro kalam dena sakchhau?
Can you write the exam?----------------------Timile exam diyo sakchhau?
Did you have your food?-----------------------Timile khana khayo?
How are you?-------------------------------------Timilai kasto chhaa?
I am fine--------------------------------------------Ma sanchai chhu

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